I, Sharmi, Diamond Ep23

23. Sharmi

I've known Vairam for three years. He puts on a show of being afraid of everything. A cunning fellow. He doesn't sleep all night. He has a great interest in "stuff" (referring to drugs). He'll buy and suck on it as if he's drinking reluctantly. I often buy and bring stuff just for him. I've seen him at countless parties, but only at nude parties does he definitely ask for and take the stuff. Once he's had the stuff, he takes Subbulakshmi away.

His extreme caution is a big plus for me. There are only a couple of people in Chennai who arrange nude parties like me, and I'm the slightly cheaper one. These kinds of exclusive parties are only good if they're expensive and high-value. Safe within a very small circle. Rich people always have a special fascination with exclusivity and expensiveness. The desire for secrecy.

But my desire is to somehow get out of this mess. All this game is only until the body and youth last. The lesson given by the betrayals I've faced, the obsession to build a mansion by plastering everything my father lost, and my mother misplaced, and I let fly in the wind with money. If you have money, everything will go right. You won't get money if you're honest. You can't become a millionaire by pimping. You can't become someone's mistress just by your beauty. When youth goes, you have to be ready to give way to new youth. Money, money that's just for us, changes everything. So, I decided that making money by any means is right and took the risk behind this party. Based on what happened at other parties, I decided there was a way to earn more than the money I get from arranging.

In many parties, cell phones disappear very casually. They're usually kept on silent mode. In the excitement of having sex on sofas, floors, and under beds, they only look for the clothes they took off in the morning. Cell phones and platinum and diamond-studded earrings are left behind in the rush to leave the next day. If one or two things are found at a party, the phones and earrings go for a good price. As the person responsible for arranging the party, I've checked everything, settled the money, and then taken what I found and sold it. Once, the person who lost the phone came the next day and asked Vairam, "My phone was lost yesterday. There are some important details. Can I search inside?" After getting the phone details, Vairam allowed him to search and called me.

"Madam, someone has come here to look for his cell phone. I know it's with you. Looking at how flustered he is, it seems like something else is important. It seems like it will fetch more than the money from selling it. What do you say?" he asked. I was startled. My tongue wouldn't move to say I didn't know. There was no other way. "Okay, I'll ask the party organizer and tell you. Give him my number. I'll talk and settle it," I said and was about to cut the call when he interrupted, "Madam..." "What?" I asked. "Take care of us too," he said, not begging but commanding.

Within half an hour, the person called. I spoke to him affectionately, "Don't stay there. I'll get it from the person in charge there. You have to be careful at these kinds of parties, bro," and told him that there were special photos of him and his girlfriend and that it would be a problem if they got out. He said he didn't care how much it cost. I milked him for almost a lakh and gave Vairam only 25,000 and gave him the phone. Since then, Vairam and I have had a good deal going on.

This is my third party. I saw Rajan fully for the first time that day, including two gigolos. He was efficient and handled many people.


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